3 Winners in 1 plus instants

£0.75 Per Ticket


  1. sharonpashby74
    Ticket number: 448
    Answer: 150
  2. R Clark
    Ticket number: 330
    Answer: 150
  3. benkidd14
    Ticket number: 445
    Answer: 150

Congratulations to all 3 winners. #448 Sharon Pashby - 1st Place #330 Richard Clarke - 2nd Place #455 Ben Kidd - 3rd Place


Instant Ticket Wins!

No need to wait for the draw date! - 10 Instant Wins! Randomly draw any of the following tickets numbers and win the prize!

Winning Ticket Prize
#28 £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #83 - Ben Wordsworth £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #431 - Ben Kidd £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #499 - Ben Wordsworth £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #816 - Holly Cawston £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #1100 - Sharon Ross £20 CASH 💷
#1101 £20 CASH 💷
Winner! - #1233 - Ben Wordsworth £20 CASH 💷
#1403 £20 CASH 💷
#1466 £20 CASH 💷

About This Competition

There will be 3 winners if this competition, all picked separately via the wheel of names or by the google random number generator (if over 1000 tickets sold)

The winners will be picked in the following order and each receive the amount stated below:

First Place £200

Second Place: £100

Third Place: £50

The same number can’t win twice & the same person cant win twice in the main draw. If the same person wins ill pick again until we have a new winner!

There are also 10 x £20 cash instant wins ito find in this competition!