Household Heroes

£0.50 Per Ticket

Winner is: holly_hill_10

Ticket number: 18110 Answer: Bird

Congratulations Holly


Instant Ticket Wins!

No need to wait for the draw date! - 135 Instant Wins! Randomly draw any of the following tickets numbers and win the prize!

Winning Ticket Prize
Winner! - #1988 - Josh B 🥉 BRONZE BUNDLE - 7 ITEMS
Winner! - #6858 - Joshua Bell A - Tomahawk Steak Pack
#21163 A - Tomahawk Steak Pack
#16181 A - Tomahawk Steak Pack
Winner! - #9798 - Holly Guest A - Tomahawk Steak Pack
#9631 B - £100 Supermarket Voucher
#1516 B - £100 Supermarket Voucher
#14898 B - £100 Supermarket Voucher
#201 B - £100 Supermarket Voucher
#16648 C - Ariel 6 Mega Pack
Winner! - #14655 - Holly Guest C - Ariel 6 Mega Pack
#6585 C - Ariel 6 Mega Pack
#7873 C - Ariel 6 Mega Pack
#19820 C - Family Meat Pack
#18551 C - Family Meat Pack
#3739 C - Family Meat Pack
#7027 C - Family Meat Pack
#13779 D - Andrex Bundle
#14133 D - Andrex Bundle
#11321 D - Andrex Bundle
#20937 D - Andrex Bundle
#19054 D - Pampers box
#17587 D - Pampers box
#16629 D - Pampers box
#8543 D - Pampers box
#9301 D - Elbow Grease Bundle
#2532 D - Elbow Grease Bundle
#18232 D - Elbow Grease Bundle
#23123 D - Elbow Grease Bundle
#22713 D - Smokehouse Grilling Set
#1871 D - Smokehouse Grilling Set
#15718 D - Smokehouse Grilling Set
Winner! - #12562 - Millie Clarke D - Smokehouse Grilling Set
#514 D - Fanta USA Variety Pack
Winner! - #12853 - Holly Guest D - Fanta USA Variety Pack
Winner! - #6110 - Millie Clarke D - Fanta USA Variety Pack
#13704 D - Fanta USA Variety Pack
Winner! - #1515 - Tommie Ayling D - 3.25kg YORKSHIRE Tea Bags
#13776 D - 3.25kg YORKSHIRE Tea Bags
#2971 D - 3.25kg YORKSHIRE Tea Bags
Winner! - #10494 - Holly Guest D - 3.25kg YORKSHIRE Tea Bags
#14513 E - Huel Drinks (8 pack)
#658 E - Huel Drinks (8 pack)
#7115 E - Huel Drinks (8 pack)
Winner! - #7144 - Holly Guest E - Huel Drinks (8 pack)
Winner! - #2272 - Holly Guest E - Border Buscuits 100 Pack
#11377 E - Border Buscuits 100 Pack
#12195 E - Border Buscuits 100 Pack
#7899 E - Border Buscuits 100 Pack
#19957 E - Box of 12 Grenade Bars
#7308 E - Box of 12 Grenade Bars
#17874 E - Box of 12 Grenade Bars
#3064 E - Box of 12 Grenade Bars
#1642 E - Surf Bundle
#1997 E - Surf Bundle
#10870 E - Surf Bundle
#10138 E - Surf Bundle
Winner! - #4843 - Holly Guest E - Large American Sweets Box
#4286 E - Large American Sweets Box
#11962 E - Large American Sweets Box
#23975 E - Large American Sweets Box
#18413 E - The Big Tea 71 Chocolate Buscuit bars
#21149 E - The Big Tea 71 Chocolate Buscuit bars
#1356 E - The Big Tea 71 Chocolate Buscuit bars
#13176 E - The Big Tea 71 Chocolate Buscuit bars
Winner! - #17823 - Holly Guest E - Gillete Pro Glide + 9 Blades
#15321 E - Gillete Pro Glide + 9 Blades
#10700 E - Gillete Pro Glide + 9 Blades
#2074 E - Gillete Pro Glide + 9 Blades
#19256 F - 500g Tin Nescafe Azera
#14886 F - 500g Tin Nescafe Azera
#11363 F - 500g Tin Nescafe Azera
#3433 F - 500g Tin Nescafe Azera
#11871 F - Mega Chocolate Gift Hamper
#10518 F - Mega Chocolate Gift Hamper
#19281 F - Mega Chocolate Gift Hamper
#22756 F - Mega Chocolate Gift Hamper
#20933 F - CIF Bundle
#19762 F - CIF Bundle
#14139 F - CIF Bundle
#3418 F - CIF Bundle
#20125 F - 12 Pack Water Wipes
#17825 F - 12 Pack Water Wipes
Winner! - #17877 - Miroslava Mckinstry F - 12 Pack Water Wipes
#23728 F - 12 Pack Water Wipes
#20017 F - Cillit bang Cleaning Bundle
#5588 F - Cillit bang Cleaning Bundle
#20471 F - Cillit bang Cleaning Bundle
#1111 F - Cillit bang Cleaning Bundle
#21191 G - Snackbox 60 Crisp Box
#1596 G - Snackbox 60 Crisp Box
#20407 G - Snackbox 60 Crisp Box
#4295 G - Snackbox 60 Crisp Box
#5817 G - Golden Wonders & Walkers Mega Boxes
#9658 G - Golden Wonders & Walkers Mega Boxes
#18520 G - Golden Wonders & Walkers Mega Boxes
#15692 G - Golden Wonders & Walkers Mega Boxes
#2138 G - Mega Retro Sweets Hamper
#20962 G - Mega Retro Sweets Hamper
#7515 G - Mega Retro Sweets Hamper
#18934 G - Mega Retro Sweets Hamper
#16964 G - Venus Bundle
#8498 G - Venus Bundle
Winner! - #8165 - Holly Guest G - Venus Bundle
#2519 G - Venus Bundle
#13774 G - Unstoppables Bundle
#8810 G - Unstoppables Bundle
#11246 G - Unstoppables Bundle
#3071 G - Unstoppables Bundle
#320 G - Lenor mega Pack
#9738 G - Lenor mega Pack
#19537 G - Lenor mega Pack
#16080 G - Lenor mega Pack
#17485 G - Haribo Bundle
Winner! - #13783 - Millie Clarke G - Haribo Bundle
#13621 G - Haribo Bundle
#2982 G - Haribo Bundle
Winner! - #13262 - Ben Kidd H - Dreamies Mega Box
#16815 H - Dreamies Mega Box
Winner! - #6829 - Josh B H - Dreamies Mega Box
#20021 H - Dreamies Mega Box
#6286 H - Pedigree Dog Treat Mega Box
#8926 H - Pedigree Dog Treat Mega Box
#22854 H - Pedigree Dog Treat Mega Box
#4648 H - Pedigree Dog Treat Mega Box
H - £10 Site Credit
H - £10 Site Credit
H - £10 Site Credit
H - £10 Site Credit

About This Competition

“Household Heroes” This exciting competition offers 134 instant wins and the opportunity to snag the entire lot of amazing prizes.

Each instant win has been categorised with a letter of the alphabet. We will let you swap your instant wins within the same letter category (because we’re nice like that 😉)

You can also take a cash alternative on each instant win at 70% of the prize value.

There 7 Bundles that can be won which are made up of items from each category – customisable by the winner!

Gold Bundle =


Cash alternative £700

Silver Bundle =

1 x A Item
1 x B item
1 x C item
3 x D items
2 x E Items
2 x F Items
2 x G Items
2 x H Items

Cash alternation = £350

Bronze bundle =

1 x A or B Item
1 x C item
1 x D item
1 x E Item
1 x F Item
1x G Item
1 x H Item

Cash alternative = £200